It has been about a month since my wedding! Living on a brand new status of being a "Mrs" is quite nice. I have a loving husband that loves me and the girls deeply. I appreciate everything that we had been thru to get this far!
Wedding planning is one of the biggest obstacle for the both of us. We have to agree and compromise on a lot of major decisions. I am very fortunate to have my partner giving in to me all the time! The wedding was like a fairy tale and everything came true! We planned a very simple wedding and kept within our budget. We tried to keep the girls in all our plans during the whole entire event. We had great help from our Bridesmaid and Groomsman. Without them, this wedding wouldn't be possible as well. We choose a restaurant (not going to review which) that allows me to bring the girls in with us.
The whole wedding went thru some chinese customs. i woke up at 4.30am in the morning to get prepared. My Make up artist came at about 4.45am to do my make up. My make up artist and I were from strangers to friends. She was very professional and friendly. She gave me many advises and made sure i had very smooth skin before my wedding. I am so glad i found her and had her with me on my wedding day. I was so blessed!
This is Rachel from EK make up studio. i was seriously in love with that hair bun!
I also made another friend. My Photographer. We also evolved from strangers to friends. He helped me in a lot of photo takings and covered up a lot of shorts for me. His name is Sam From Depthofeel. I really appreciate his efforts a lot. he best thing is that he also has a Chihuahua! I also have a Videographer who came along with Sam. His name is Andric. Super spontaneous guy and he made my day when he said my wedding was the most fun wedding that he attended.
Anyways, the star of the day was also focused on my 2 girls. haha!!
Photo taken by Sam early in the morning. Clover is dozing off while I'm busy doing make up!
Series of events started with the veil. My godparents helped to put on my veil. Well, that was when i had to stay in the room and wait for the groom to come. My family and bridesmaid helped to set up the necessary and the games. everything was well prepared while everyone waited for the groom to arrive!
Below are some of the photos of our preparations!
Here comes the Groom and his Groomsman!

The Games begin downstairs!
Well, i was watching the gate crash live! It was so fun to see them play with all the pranks and having fun!
Then finally my groom came into the room and wore my shoes. Off we go to the groom's home!
Before moving off, i need to throw this fan and my godma have to pick it up. It's hard to explain what does this action symbolizes but it means something to leave something behind for your mum.
And my godma giving me good wishes. of cause this is the moment when we shed tears of joy.
oo i love you godma!
Next stop, i have to change to a traditional red clothing called a Qua and go back to my godma house for tea ceremony. After the tea ceremony, we head to Sengkang riverside for a mini photoshoot and flower throwing!
This is our team, our friends that i call them my family.
I am not going to divulge where is my wedding dinner location as they gave me exceptions to allow my girls in the ball room. I had my second march in with the girls with me.
It was like a dream came true!

Our First March in
Our Second March in
Other than all the ups and downs of the event, i am really glad we had friends and family by our side helping us to keep the event going. The whole wedding process was kinda successful. Other than both the bride and groom were drunk.. HAHAHA! anyway, we really had a lot of fun through out the day.
Now my short speech:
I want to thank all my family members especially my godma for supporting me though my ups and downs. Without my godma, i would have been lost after my mum passed away 3 years ago. I had endless support from my family and had grew stronger. Now is a new chapter of my life with new stories to tell. I will always remember my roots and the things that my mum taught me. She had taught me to be kind and gracious to others. Having compassion and living by our principles. When I build my family in the future, i will also teach them the same.
I am loved by many friends around me. Other than our bridesmaid and groomsman, there were other friends helping and supporting us behind the scene to make this wedding possible. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone was involved in helping, small or big, it really made a great difference in my life.
Lastly, thank you to all family and friends, who took time to witness my big day. I appreciate all the warm greetings and blessings and will keep them deeply in my heart.
Family is not only bond by blood. But those who we fight for.
Mummy Bumver