Tuesday, 17 July 2018

My Little Clover

Dear Diary,

Was looking through at some of Clover’s puppy photos and decided to do a little story on our Clover. She really came from a long way. Those who watched her grow, witnessed her blossomed into a beautiful girl.

Her History:
She was a refunded puppy. When we saw her at the farm, she was recovering from a skin allergy (claimed the farm assistant which doesn’t seem like an allergy to me). They said that the ex-buyer couldn’t handle her and decided to refund her back to the farm. When she was refunded, one patch of fur on her back was already bald. The patch was as big as a size of my fist (that’s a very big patch for a Chihuahua). We didn’t know what exactly happened to her because 2 different assistants told us both different stories. All I know she was really scared she was shivering very badly when the assistant held her. We had a connection immediately when I held her. Her shivers stopped immediately and she started licking me and rubbing herself all over me. Then, we decided to bring her home. Maybe to Clover, we had saved her life. But she had already saved our lives.
After my mum had passed away, all of us were very depressed. The house felt empty and Bumbie was so low in spirit. She wouldn’t move, wouldn’t eat. She would just lay one corner of the house whole day and sleep. After Clover came into our lives, she lifted all of our spirits and everyone was busy again.

Training for her is really very tough. But I didn’t give up, I couldn’t and I wouldn’t. She was really a little monster (we guessed maybe that is why the ex-buyer/owner couldn’t handle her but that was not an excuse). When we put a barrier up, she would ram into the barrier and knock it down as if she was a little bull. She would push my laundry basket down and scatter all my clothes all over my house. She was so hyper that she couldn’t stop running and hopping. She had food aggression and all other aggressive behaviour. She wouldn’t hesitate to bite us. I had my hand full or bite wounds and scars. Even when teaching her basic commands, she couldn’t stay still to learn. While learning the command “Sit” her butt would move from left to right while sitting. HAHA.
Her biggest fear was leaving the house. That was not normal for a puppy. Whenever I open the gate, she would run back into her crate and hide. If she had the ability to lock herself in there, I think she would. She would shiver so badly again when we are about to bring her out. When we brought her to meet our friends, she will turn aggressive and bite them. I guess she was really afraid that people may take her away from the happiness that she just have. I took one month, every day, rain or shine and brought her out. I trained her to walk on leash and off leash. Slowly, she learnt to be excited when we head out for events. She learnt a lot of values from Bumbie and she will always follow closely behind Bumbie during walks. Friends who loved her, didn’t give up on her and slowly, they managed to gain her trust day by day. Clover now is so affectionate and she had learnt what love is and how love feels like. She had learnt how to love and show love.

Life has been very nice to her and she had really blossomed into a very beautiful girl. Many people looked down on her looks when she was a puppy as she had a default angry face. Many compared to Bumbie as Bumbie has a default smiley happy face. I wanted to prove it to everyone, what love can do and how great love is.

Anyone can buy a puppy from a pet store, anyone can adopt a dog from the shelter. No matter where we adopt them from, its very important that new owners must have RESPONSIBILITY. Only adopt or get a pet when you are ready. Listen to owners talk about responsibility and how much does it cost to keep a pet, or do research on google to learn more about the pet u are considering to buy/adopt. Because that pet will turn into family.

Top 6 photos are clover's puppy photos. look at her face, always frowning. 

Mummy Bumver