Monday, 20 May 2019

Our first born,Baby Lorenzo

Dear Diary,

Finally, its time for our little baby boy to be born.

It was a usual weekly gynae visit. We were actually ready if the gynae would to tell us if baby was ready to be out as i was already 39 weeks pregnant. While doing the scan, he mentioned that baby was still not ready and i am not dilated. However, there was signs of me having high blood pressure and was advised to be admitted to the hospital on that day. We were asked to choose if we wanted natural birth of c-sect. If we still wanted natural birth, i have to be admitted to induce labor which might not guarantee if the natural birth will take place at all as i was not even dilated and baby was not ready. In the end, we might even need to go though emergency c-sect. Another alternative was to be admitted with the intention of c-sect birth to get it over and done with. Well, of cause we chose the latter we didn't want to waste time to induce the labor. Before having to make this decision, i cried at the gynae clinic. It was embarrassing as many people were staring as if something happened.

We were quite chill after that and went to have a big feast before heading to the hospital. I went back home and hugged the 2 girls and explained to them that their little brother will be joining them in a few days time and i will not be home for a few days. I was crying again, thinking that my life will be different.

We got admitted to the hospital, Mount Alvernia at about 7pm and was arranged for c-sect at about 11pm. We entered into our lovely single bed hospital room which looked like a chalet. I was trying to calm myself down by turning the television on and watching some movies. Then, some nurses came in to do some documentations, change to my operation outfit and to take some blood test. I was so fearful of needles and the nurse really made me very nervous. Again, i was being so embarrassed to cry when they had to poke the needle into my arm for blood test. I am not a brave person, so with the decision to do this c-sect is already taking away a lot of my courage.

my single room, Our Lady's Ward

At about 10pm, the nurses came in and told me to get ready as my gynae has arrived and ready for early operation. First time in my life i was lying on the bed and was being rolled into the operation theater. I was so nervous and shaking so badly. When they rolled me in and told hubby to wait outside a little while, while they have to prepare me for the surgery, i felt so afraid! They rolled me into the theater and i was looking at all the big operation lights. I saw my gynae and he still looked so smiley! One of the nurses took my hand and said, "im gonna put the needle thru here" and she quickly just jabbed me with the needle. "ouch". Next, they turned me to my side and said "just relax, we are jabbing the epidural". Without any hesitation, i felt like a big fat thingy went though my back that wasn't painful. My legs felt numb as if there were many ants in my legs. Then, hubby appeared beside me holding my hands, he looked anxious. I felt a lot of movement in my lower part of my body, i guessed the operation had already began. I was so afraid that i started struggling. The nurses gave me the oxygen musk and i knocked out.

Then, when i opened my eyes, i heard my baby cries. Everyone was laughing and smiling and they put baby on my chest. It was my baby! I was still feeling very sleepy. They rolled me to the waiting area for a while to check if i was ready to be rolled back to my own room. All i remembered was shaking very badly non stop as if i was really cold but i was not.

Our Baby Boy

Taking photo with our Gynae, Dr Ben Choey. A very patient and understanding gynae. He made us feel very comfortable and is very approachable throughout our whole pregnancy. 
Thank you Dr Ben for ensuring mummy and baby are both safe and healthy!

Hubby was already waiting for me at the room. I was still shaking and was really hungry. They couldn't feed me anything till morning. Worst, i couldn't even sleep for the night. The next day, they rolled my baby in again.Wow, i can't believe i actually did it. They pain was really bad. I couldn't walk at all and i cried in pain.

Stayed in the hospital for 4 days 3 nights. the food was ok only. They served confinement food. I didn't really enjoy my hospital stay. Not because the service was not good, it was because i was in pain and i miss home a lot. The service at the hospital is very good. The nurses were very patient and i really do appreciate their service.

On the day of discharged, i was so excited to go home! My confinement nanny was readily waiting for me at my doorstep. She started to orientate herself around my house and settle down. My first meal that she cooked was really yummy but i couldn't get used to the mess. Even though she did clean up after everything but it wasn't clean enough. I was really very stressed up for the first few days until we spoke about no oil in our food. She was really very patient and she still managed to cook yummy healthy food all without oil. She was really helpful and she ensured i had enough rest. She also made sure my baby boy was in good hands and thanks to her, i was able to sleep through the night.

First day home, Clover greeting her little brother!

Next, we will be planning our baby's full month. Hopefully it will be a successful event.

Thank you friends and family for visiting me at the hospital. Thanks for all the gifts and red packets. My baby boy is really blessed. Most importantly, thank you godma for the full support and guidance. Every week my godma will come at least twice to buy all the confinement food and made sure i have alot alot alot of food to eat. I am really pampered. My hubby helped with the house work and bathing and maintaining all the fur babies.

Many people have the wrong impression that having a c-section for child birth is cheating or a short cut as we do not know how does real labor feels like as compared to natural birth. But i can guarantee that the pain for going through c-section is no less than natural birth. We are being cut through layers of skin and muscles. We will need months for recovery and till now, i am still feeling the pain from inside even though the wound has been healed from the outside.

All mothers are hero.

I will have a good rest to recover faster and can care for everyone again. Soon we will have more adventures together soon!

With love,
Bumver mummy

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